Surety & Bonds
With Surety & Bonds coverage, you’ll have the tools you need to guarantee the obligations of individuals or corporations to another party—a vital way to cover your investment and work in the construction industry. In fact, general contractors, sub-contractors and sub-tradespersons generally have to present Surety Bonds as a guarantee that the financial and work-related terms of a contract will be met.
Our partnership with Canada’s three leading insurers enables Brokers Trust to put together tailored bonding services to cover all your Surety needs—no matter your project.
Brokers Trust can also provide you with Commercial Surety Bonds for obligations you hold in trust, those imposed by consumer protection acts, tax obligations, and more. We offer:
- Bid Bonds
- Agreement to Bond
- Performance Bonds
- Labour and Material Bonds
- Maintenance Bond
- Custom and Excise Bonds
- License and Permit Bonds
- Fiduciary Bonds
- Financial Guarantee Bonds
- Lost Document Bonds