Brokers Trust Gives Back to Mitochondrial Disease
This week, Brokers Trust made a trip to Sick Kids to present a $5,000 cheque in support of finding a cure for Leigh’s Syndrome, a mitochondrial disease.
This donation was made in honour of the life of Genevieve Tomasone, daughter of Angela and Michael and granddaughter of Olga Corapi, Brokers Trust’s longest tenured employee.
“We are proud to donate and generate awareness to this important cause and the work being done, in memory of Genevieve Tomasone,” said Stefania Zavaglia, Director, Brokers Trust Insurance Group.
Mito Canada cites that, today approximately 1 in 4,000 people have a mitochondrial disease and it is estimated that over 10,000 Canadians suffer from primary mitochondrial disease, however due to the complexity in diagnosis, it is estimated that only 10% of patients receive a diagnosis.
“Michael and I are so grateful to Brokers Trust, a company that has felt like family to me over the years, for their generous donation in Genevieve’s honour. Sick Kids made us feel at home during such an uncertain time. By giving back, we have gained hope for the future for families at Sick Kids, and for those suffering from mitochondrial diseases.”
– Angela Tomasone
Brokers Trust stands in support of those battling or have loved ones batting any mitochondrial disease. To learn more about the Tomasone’s story about how you can help, visit: mitocanada.org.